Fault lines
I became interested in fault lines as a reflection of nature...and because the potential impact of fault lines is a bit scary. These pieces represent the notion that the foundation (mental or physical) upon which we stand, rest, or position ourselves, is somewhat of an illusion and can change in an instant. The geologic definition of a fault line is "a line on a rock surface or the ground that traces a geological fault; a divisive issue or difference of opinion that is likely to have serious consequences." (from Google search)
My interpretation is that a fault line is a boundary, a point of change—things popping out, things folding in on themselves; things coming to the surface; others disappearing. The outcome is unpredictable, much like life. Those parts of our lives that we thought were solid are subject to change from both inside and outside forces. It's a great journey.
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All images are copyrighted © by Rebecca Nolda. The use of any image from this site is prohibited unless prior written permission from the artist is obtained.